Are any of those in the Olympics? You know nothing about the Olympics and its lifts and you CLEARLY know jack shit about bodybuilding. It’s like saying eating steamed chicken is better than boiled chicken …. After that checked up for form up to 70 kgs two reps and scaled back to 50kgs 5 rep. And THAT was it… and I was very into paleo..meat good carbs bad! But everyone gives 100% effort. Get above the bar, get up the rope, move that weight from there to there as quick as possible. These athletes must be smart with their training and know when to stop before serious injury occurs. A calmly performed 1RM Snatch is more “intense” than “Grace” the WOD, even if the person performing Grace is sweating bullets, screaming and slamming bars. That’s probably why I stayed for 3 years. So hot. When a lot of amateur body builders weigh less but can also out lift pro cross fitters, you may want to step back and take a look at your sport. So CrossFit considers a Russian swing a half rep. There’s one of … I’m sorry, I’ve really tried to “embrace” crossfit and give it a chance (and when I say embrace I mean tolerate)… But are you kidding me… Those pull-ups are ridiculous… You’re using your body weight and swing to Catapult you over and over (unsafely might I add) into what looks like a bass fish having a convulsion. These same athletic trainers warn every single athlete against CrossFit and tell them the health risks of being involved in it. The goal of these athletes is to challenge the body but stay within their body’s limits. To do otherwise seems unnatural. The following link describes some of the health issues with CrossFit, especially the extremely scary possibility of CrossFit’s unofficial mascot: Uncle Rhabdo. The girls have big shoulders and big butts. Pain could mean injury, and injury means being unable to compete. Cross fit is a dangers way of getting fit you could get just as fit and strong doing sensible forms of training cross fit is could for short term fitness because your body can only take a very limited amount of this type of training. Hence the reason so many of them cheat and do gimmicky workouts that look cool but are pointless. It takes one class to become a Pilates instructor. You’re not there and never will be. So in reality Crossfit doesn't even prepare someone for their own games in totality. Who wants to look like that? You can still look (and smell) good after a bodybuilding workout. We all have one goal, to be fit. I appreciate that!! Working with Personal Trainers, classes in Gyms incl. It happens in all levels of athletics and I think we would be naïve to say it doesn't happen in CrossFit. Kinesiology professors have told their students that they better never find out that they have anything to do with CrossFit. It was a whirlwind, and all I remember was stopping at one point and watching some of the bad form that people were using around me. It all depends on what your goals are and what interests you. They are definitely not all created equal. But one of my friends later invited me to the gym where she taught and I jumped in on a WOD. Like I said there are good and bad things…I just prefer being injury free and looking awesome. Afl? Bodybuilders look great. It’s a shame crossfit gyms are so expensive! It is true that, working out the way I do, jumping straight into a CF workout would probably kick my ass. My first crossfit experience started w/more then half the “class” injured in some fashion, a shoulder injury, calf pull, low back sprain etc.. It is a mixture of power and strength training done at intensities to challenge lactic acid threshold. I will never take/do another crossfit class again and NOT because it’s too hard, (Cause it wasn’t ) I will never do it again because it’s not safe!!!! Leave the real sports alone. yes they put in a lot of hard work to look the way they do but they cant do athletic things such as running, so it cant become a actual sport. Crossfit is doing well because it is based on science. Need more cowbell Doctor Arthritis is everywhere, I have to take pretty strong opioids for pain. While CrossFit is a sport, 99.99% of its participants are not athletes. Often the influence of the enviroment they live in plays its role. MORON……. I guess the added value is the sect membership fee. I was actually shocked at the amount of my fellow brothers from the football days who tilted towards CrossFit, but then I realized that they also didn’t truly know their own body just as I didn’t – we were given workouts by incredible strength coaches and we were elite athletes. Someone past his first year thinks 2 – 2.5 his bodyweight his intens. The thing that I find humorous that is constantly brought up is the whole weekend certification for a Crossfit coach making them unqualified. I have trained IFBB pro bodybuilders… could they do Fran in less than 4 minutes? I can tell you that I have worked and trained with collegiate athletes, national champions, world champions, and Olympians. People need to assess their goals and research the box/gym, and coach/trainer where they want to go. CF was awesome in the sense that it has created a lot of amateur weight lifters that are doing their research, and questioning the machine. Just because something isn’t tangible doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Here’s why I don’t do CrossFit: That’s the norm. Better get your information from actual physicists, NOT scammers like Lyke McDonald….. Energy and mass are NOT thing, nor stuff at all. One week one could do 20-30 minutes of cardio for 2-3 days, the next 4 days, not to mention the weekend bootcamps that I would do. There’s no way to progressively overload and create new stimuli and adaptation. We know you think the butterfly pull-ups are horrible form. Judo and rugby are both very intensive sports. I won’t comment to Crossfit because I know almost nothing about it. On the other hand it’s great fun to learn new movements like handstand(-walk) with the age of 41. Crossfit is absolutely terrible in the instruction it gives in a lot of the “boxes.”, NOT gonna be an Olympic sport ok? I’m tired of defending CF, if yo don’t like it, don’t do it and stop “caring” about the people who do! Check out this video to learn about the mechanics of butterfly pull-ups and the correct (and incorrect) way to perform them. So, on top of having an already overly-strenuous, very high intensity program that sets you up for injury to start with, most people are doing the lifts and other exercises all wrong, and there is no one there to correct them. When your bread and butter is randomized intensity, performed at near max or to exhaustion, you can’t just simply push beyond exhaustion to the next level. They don’t want to look like men, but they want to be muscular. But guess what, it's worth it. That doesn’t mean that my dad or anyone who does any other physical exercise isn’t an athlete… or that crossfit is a better workout. I try to incorporate it all. Please use your brain – it is a young man’s/woman’s sport and that of the elite athlete. If this is the case why cant most crossfitters do intermediate strength exercises such as the front lever back lever or even the ring dip lean. I’ve also been told by people who do crossfit, that when I am; lets say olympic squats. Coaches, athletic trainers, and other staff educate them on staying within these limits and developing their strength and athletic abilities safely. Thanks for sharing Martha. Maybe its not like that in other places. They’ll tell me: “Olympic squats are bad for you.” The experience of CrossFit is much more fun and desirable in a CrossFit gym with people around, with the proper equipment, and with trainers to guide you. Why are people so angry. It’s sad because there are so many 45s in the boxes that sit lonely in a corner. It’s amazing how comical it is to me now. What a joke. Bring it on you cocksucker. — @jb_crossfit, General Manager of the CrossFit Games, on why it was important to have the Games: “We decided it was important for our community.That includes athletes, affiliates, fans, people that work out on a … Start respecting how their body responds to a stimulus and train according to goals. a bodybuilder at muscle. I agree that both can be good. Felt a bit dissapointed until the second coach came to me and said “Don,t you worry – this technique and proper form will be with you forever. As I was reading I was like great article until I read this “A butterfly pull-up performed with correct form, is safer than a strict pull up with broken form.” So your still telling me it’s not safe, it’s just safer. They thought I was the hulk. It’s based on an athelete’s measured ability. They’re both professional athletes in their respective sports. They workout numerous times a day spending time on strength, olympic lifting, gymnastics, met-cons, endurance etc...sometimes they follow popular and periodized strength programs, and sometimes they don't. What exactly did he say that makes him a douchebag? You can not tell me those people and those workouts aren’t intense? No one was succeeding. Bodybuilders could help and everybody would be happier. As for the coaches, this is where you have to be smart and do a little research. It is actually hard for me to believe that you would call yourself a professional in any faction of the fitness industry after having read this article. Typically low repetition workouts, between 1-10 reps, with the occasional super-set or burnout. Nothing against crossfit but i have something against these people who constantly demean everything except crossfit.. no reason to tell someone who is doing something different to MAN UP…. I am saying that hurt isn’t the goal. “hey look at me, look what i can do!” get the fuck outta here. I’ve done plenty of strength training for my sport before that, too. They don’t like it when you are grunting in the gym or slamming weights (typically occurs in a high-intensity workout). ATOMS DO! the fastest man alive), and gymnastics. In reality while the diversity is high, The scope of the training is narrowed only to crossfit athletes. As a result, many of its participants get fairly judgmental and even a … Now honestly I don’t care but I do care that they lead people to believe that their level of fitness was attained with no PED use. But this is not true, and more importantly, it’s not healthy. What an odd list of sports. but In the end i dont think we should all be hating on each other. Sure they have great marketing. Sooner or later it will be in the Olympics. So to this point, he is all-natural. Pretty sure they respect each other for what they love and what they put there time into. FORCES ARE REAL. Every coach I’ve trained under has done one of two things: given a workout with heavy weight for low reps, or given a workout with lighter weight for higher reps. In summary the diversity of crossfit made me within 1.5 yrs a better well rounded and PAIN free athlete than I ever was (former competitor in Tennis, field and track). CrossFit is a fitness program and lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. Its the oldest trade known to man you can either specialize and be great at one thing or you can be adept/good at alot of things. Most CrossFit fanatics don’t really get it. It isn’t that the exercises are super awesome targeted muscle sculpting patented exercises. Men and women who do bodybuilding workouts have great bodies. No better feeling. It becomes their identity in life…(sad). This. Regardless of the current trend, bodybuilders don’t want to drink the kool-aid. This article was originally featured on the author’s blog and reposted with permission. now when I WOD (2 days a week) I go slow, light, and make every rep count. I love strong looking crossfit women. Good lord people it’s not sides here it’s 2 different types of training and you are all individual people who will enjoy and get more out of one than the other and that’s it. A one rep max can be extremely intense. Yes, rhabdo is from intense workouts. He never got caught! So you are a saying boxing is not a sport based on a Fight? “A butterfly pull-up performed with correct form, is safer than a strict pull up with broken form.” is like saying “Riding a bicycle is safer than driving a car with no windshield.”. Especially since you mention lower reps and longer rest as your gauge for intensity. As you gain knowledge you can then focus in on what needs best meet your body and how it is put together. Let’s just disregard high school, and jump right to collegiate athletics. Boxing isn’t a sport anymore, the last Mayweather fight proved that. I was like wtf is going on in here, then the “class” started, I realize why there was so many injuries. Well here i am then. I powerlifter for over 25 yrs and yes I can hardly move now. if I can’t do a rep without compromising my form, I don’t. don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars a month if look around for cheaper boxes. In the spectrum of strength to endurance it doesn’t really address aerobic capacity in full. It's the same thing. But do you think that bodybuilders go on Google Trends or Alexa to see how Crossfit views are progressing compared to bodybuilding? Really depends on your goals and what you’re into. Train like an athlete, but train safely. I personally think it over emphasizes metabolic conditioning and under emphasizes endurance. Think twice about what you are going to do and make sure to manage yourself. And that’s when I started to worry. So Crossfit is absolutely competitive and men like myself don’t like to lose. Did you hear that the University of Iowa football team once got Rhabdo? It’s not based on feeling. It’s a program meant for crossfitters. There are good coaches and bad coaches. I don't think it's price as others have mentioned. ” I’m just dissing his mental capacities, not his fysical ones”: Since the discussion is about physical training, then you agreed with what I said. I reminded her that her gymnastic body was more muscular than her current body and she looked great as a gymnast. Doing ANYTHING is better than nothing, and that’s what I encourage people to do. Running probably didn't start out as competition until someone defined a set distance (26.2). BC gone wrestle up some feathers on the comment front. I am still wondering why Crossfit is not endorsed by major universities strength or conditioning programs or professional sports teams. It also addresses the “don’t quit” mentality of CrossFit, which is a dangerous one to have in athletics. Afterward, I got five minutes of instruction on the “kipping pull-up” and instruction on kettle bell swing before I was given a 35 lb bell. CALORIES DO NOT EXIST THEMSELVES IN REALITY. FOOD HAS CARBON, THE MORE CONCENTRATED THE BIGGER THE FLAME. Why do you go to the movies and pay so much money for a movie ticket and popcorn? Posted by Dai Manuel: Your Lifestyle Mentor on Wednesday, 21 January 2015. This probally is due to its main exercises (for examples squats and deadlifts too much create thicker waist and dont activate glute enough). This is all do stupid. Crossfit gives people certificates from a 2 day course, but to actually be called a crossfit trainer it takes more training (see point #4 at the top of the page). Because it’s the mentality that all ‘boxes’ push for… I have yet seen a person doing crossfit doing lifts with proper form or weight proper for their abilities. I changed my approach to crossfit after an injury due to these very things. This guy went full retarded, bodybuilding isn’t an olympic sport, have you heard of the Olympic lift clean and jerk (you probably have but you are likely not this complex exercise correctly)? The strength and conditioning coaches that I have worked with as an athlete all have master’s or doctorate degrees in kinesiology or a related field. LOL So true. Like you said, if you look around and everyone is injured, get out. CrossFit doesn’t translate into body control. Dorian yates? I lift heavy in the real rep range 1-5. Independent of your sport of choice most athletes know when they skip form for numbers. 10+ Crossfit Games athletes have over 1 million followers on Instagram alone as well as many other Games athletes have in the high 6 figures. People are getting injured doing 115lb snatches! Crossfit in it’s current form will never be in the Olympics. can make you sore, maybe grow a pair of balls and stop crying about aching. Great Article I personally love weight training due to tempo control. Bodybuilders hate CrossFit – and here are 11 reasons why: But that’s NOT why bodybuilders really hate CrossFit…. A typical couple is: a huge muscular bold male bodybuilder and a muscular shredded female fitness model / bodybuilder. People see results because it’s a very high stress workout. But if you're uncomfortable and pushing yourself too hard, don't do it. It seems this article is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “intensity.” Weight training “intensity” and cardio-intensive training “intensity” are two completely different things. All of which are very common signs of PED use. Body builders… Crossfit… Both man up. The same is true of the top CrossFit guys. Nothing wrong with crossfit at least america is staying in shape. I am able to sweat a bucket load through body building, lift weights with intensity, do high and low reps weight lifting and do cardio in 10-15 mins and feel exhausted. I doubt it! It still takes time, patience, and practice. to become an oly lifting coach also takes two days so u cant just only hate on crossfit coaches. However, everytime at my gym when they do a crossfit “thing” in the basement. Anyone with any sort of intelligence about the human body know lifting too much weight with improper form to the point of exhaustion is a recipe for a fucked up body. For example when the live with a contest bodybuilder. I’d also like to highlight a quote from a Dutch neurophysiologist, Kenneth Jay, in regards to using weights for cardiovascular gains (this actually includes kettle bells as well): With an increased HR to VO2 relationship it will never be as good as typical cardio exercises. I can’t believe I actually have to say that. ALL health nuts, gym rats, cross fitters, and body builders are d-bags. And yes, bodybuilders might get a slight sting when they see even average box Crossfitters getting respect from random people whereas bodybuilders are often called douchebags when they go clubbing. CrossFit can make you extremely sore and under the right circumstances, it can lead to Rhabdo, a very serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. The only thing that I do disagree about your article is that “bodybuilders hate intensity.” I find that statement far from the truth. lets break this article down and show why people who think this are abit deluded. Bodybuilding is about tearing down and rebuilding muscle tissue. But, none of this is the real reason I left. all the running and cardio it takes to do a crossfit workout is athletic. Don’t avoid achieving élite fitness because you are concerned about the risks. CrossFit loves the fact that they have some old faces that represent their craft and then they market and campaign that it is a lifelong way of training. The word “intensity” is used a lot in this article, and I’m usually not one to pick on semantics, but when I hear the word “intensity” I think exercise intensity. I think cross fit and bodybuilding are both impressive in there own way. Haters gonna hate. The mentality is different, the sport is different, the goals are different. People think that hurting is a good thing, that pushing past your body’s limits means you’re getting stronger, and that not being able to walk the next day means you had a good workout. The most visible athletes in the CrossFit world are basically perfect physical human specimens. If the worlds greatest athletes were dropping like flies and getting seriously injured I think its proof that these exercises ar not good for the human body. ……. Yep keep telling yourself that dude…now pick up some weights and actually get a good workout! Combine sprints/cardio with proper lifting and clean diet and that will get you where you want to be: fit and healthy. Many of us having been doing it for years. People should be properly educated on form, acceptable rep numbers, and the warning signs of when to stop. CALORIES ARE A CONCEPT. JIGGLING ATOMS HEATED THE WATER. Crossfitters are the Christians of the athletic community. Crossfitters, I’m sorry, but you’re not athletes. Football players should not workout anymore, right? “BBs look great”?! Exercise intensity is about high energy output in a short amount of time. This is the reason people hate you crossfitters. Basically cross fit is extremely inefficient and there are a lot of wasted movements. Find a real trainer, pick up the fuckin barbell, and grow every day. . People who do CrossFit are not athletes. Training is training. I know this isn’t representative of every cross fitter, but the two biggest reasons I find cross fit annoying is: 1. Crossfit is basically strongman with lighter implements, marketed to office workers. I have watched them, buddy. First of all, let me say that I have been an athlete for years. It leaves you vulnerable to injuries. I do Crossfit now and love it, but understand it may not be for everyone. although it can be expensive that is true. I just returned from a CF bootcamp. 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