A commonly searched for term is where to read book Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen online. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. 1 out of 5 stars. It's an in-depth love letter to the cleanliness and elegance of Ruby. See more of Ruby Eloquent Online on Facebook. thanks for the review. In practice though, Design Patterns in Ruby really wasn’t anything like Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Eloquent Ruby takes a ride through 30 topics about Ruby, from how the Ruby community idents code to Metaprogramming and how to publish a Gem to RubyGems. This great title is called “Eloquent Ruby”, but I feel it could just as easily have been called Idiomatic Ruby, Elegant Ruby, or Beautiful Ruby – as all of those descriptions fit it to a tee, too. Many language details are omitted from author in order to emphasis some important messages: the flexibility of Ruby compared to other strictly typed languages. Eloquent Ruby is like programming in Ruby itself: fun, surprisingly deep, and you'll find yourself wishing it was always done this way. I fit the bill Actually, I just started back into Ruby and RoR development full time (I’d done RoR for two or three years previously, but had a small break where I was doing other work – Python, PHP, Java, etc…it’s GREAT to be back) and I know the book will be a great read. It feels like riding a rocket ship knowing your pilot is not a robot but a human who knows what he is doing and cracks joke through the intercom. Firstly the book provides a good review of the language where introduction, syntax, OOP, Dynamic aspects of Ruby have come up. This useful book assumes that its readers have a basic knowledge of Ruby, yet aren’t complete and total experts yet (and indeed such experienced Ruby users may not pick up too much new information from this book). Be the first to ask a question about Eloquent Ruby. Although I use ruby for a while, I learnt lot of new things and also clarified parts of ruby I misunderstood. Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series) Russ Olsen It’s easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the “Ruby way” of thinking and problem solving. If you like books and love to build cool products, we may be looking for you. The best Ruby book IMHO, excellent for beginners and a reference for experienced as well, should be on every ruby developer shelf, loved the author style, would love to read more books written by him. Eloquent Ruby (Amazon.com - print & Kindle) by Russ Olsen is the first Ruby book I've read in its entirety within 24 hours; it's that good. Even though the version of Ruby described in the book is 1.9 which is quite old by now, it signals the core concepts and conventions of Ruby that are still valid because of their impact and ubiquitousness in the Ruby world. This book is divided into four parts labeled: Wow! And in theory Olsen’s book was very much like that, as it was a list of 14 design patterns extracted from the Gang of Four and applied to Ruby. But write the darned tests.”, “That voice you hear in your head, the one whispering that you need to add some comments, may just be your program crying out to be rewritten.”, (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series), 48 Rollicking Romance Recommendations by Trope. someone should probably have some experience with Ruby) and that beginners won't be able to extrapolate the most from it. All you have to do to be entered in this giveaway is to tweet about this post. My initial impression is that it should be fun to read: the author clearly has a sense of humor, so I expect the book to provide a lot of good content, while not being merely boringly didactic. I haven't read a programming book in a while and this was really good, harking back to the good old days when I was just embarking on my career. Mostly written for people coming to Ruby from other programming languages, Russ Olsen doesn't dwell on banalities, but instead teaches you good, idiomatic Ruby. The only chapter that felt a bit disconnected from the rest, was the chapter on the various Ruby runtimes, though it was certainly interesting. Forgot account? Early on there were a lot of "best practices" that it didn't seem like you could even learn Ruby without absorbing at some point. It’s easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the “Ruby way” of thinking and problem solving. It helped me to understand and appreciate the underlying aesthetic to clean and concise code. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. I would classify Eloquent Ruby as a “second Ruby book”, to be read after you’ve worked your way through a canonical introduction. Just finished this - the first programming book I've ever read from start to finish. It’s easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the “Ruby way” of thinking and problem solving. It's easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the "Ruby way" of thinking and problem solving. Here, we have found the best site that is a great resource for anyone who prefers to read books online or download it. If you want to learn Ruby and you already know another programming language, Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen is a book you absolutely should read. What Is "Eloquent Ruby"? Press J to jump to the feed. Maybe it could have been worded a bit differently, since according to the charts Rails has not yet reached its “peak of popularity”. To see what your friends thought of this book. That said, this book is suitable for Ruby beginners who have exposures to object oriented programming. You can follow him on Twitter. I really liked the flow of the book, it’s not really dense at all and it’s filled with examples. I like that every chapter includes both a real-world example part along with possible cases of feature misuse and guidance on how to solve them. eloquent ruby by russ olsen feb 11 2011 Dec 04, 2020 Posted By Arthur Hailey Public Library TEXT ID 8394dfbf Online PDF Ebook Epub Library returns orders cart all gift cards best its easy to write correct ruby code but to gain the fluency needed to write great ruby code you must go … Log In. It will not waste your time. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. There certainly is a cross over between the two books, but I definitely think there is value in reading both. i have read chapter 1-4,it teach me some ruby characters,and some basic knowlege for ruby,but not important for me to consider how to write good program and mainable program.so if you don't be actually want to be ruby programmer,just scan these chapters. Reading this book will grant you a deeper understanding of the Ruby programming language, as well as quite a few laughs. It does major on the way that you should use Ruby and how to write Ruby in a way that is true to the language, but it has so much to say about programming in general that it is worth reading for non-Ruby programmers. Book giveaway: I will randomly draw one person from among those who share (retweet) this review on Twitter, and personally ship that person a free copy of Eloquent Ruby. This books publish date is Feb 21, 2011 and it has a suggested retail price of $52.99. An excellent book overall, Olsen's conversational style combines with solid Ruby expertise to great effect. Feel free to review my privacy policy page for further details. 121. 1. Clearly, like my frustrated student, you need to understand the basic rules of the grammar. I will definitely recommend it to the junior devs in the office. Hello, Sign in. tree hierarchy. This is my favorite Ruby book. It is expected that you have programming knowledge and get the general ideas of how to write good code, but need to know how to do it well in Ruby. Can't recommend it enough. 10 people follow this. This online proclamation eloquent ruby russ olsen can be one of the options to accompany you afterward having extra time. For those who consider themselves to be novice to moderately well versed Ruby programmers, this book is a delightful read that’s likely to help you further your Ruby skill set considerably. If you want to learn more though, keep reading. Examples from the book Eloquent Ruby, by Russ Olsen. I recommend this book even to more experienced ruby developers at least as an excellent refresher. This book is a true gem! This book is a great introduction to the most foundational and cornerstone aspects of Ruby in the form of 30 chapters each dedicated to its own topic covering practically all the topics that a rubyist should know in the first steps of his career. ‎This is the eBook version of the printed book. 9 people like this. Community See All. He also gives lots of real world examples of the things he mentions, which makes it even more clear how his techniques are actually applied. Writing code for a book is a lot like writing production code, but with a few special twists. This is Effective C++ / Effective Java for the Ruby generation. Create New Account. 3.0m members in the programming community. I slowly read through the book and this was my second attempt at reading it. He is also the Marketing Lead for Cognitive Class, an educational initiative which he helped grow from zero to over 1 Million students. I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone that works with Ruby. eloquent ruby by russ olsen feb 11 2011 Nov 26, 2020 Posted By Gérard de Villiers Public Library TEXT ID 8394dfbf Online PDF Ebook Epub Library gain the fluency needed to write great ruby code you must go beyond syntax and absorb the ruby way of thinking and problem eloquent ruby … Would recommend to someone who's familiar with programming and has seen different usages of Ruby. Eloquent Ruby is a filly born in 2012 October 15 by Turffontein out of Charming Ruby. Eloquent Ruby tries to capture the essence of writing beautiful Ruby code in this modern idiomatic manner, by focusing on Ruby 1.9 (while providing footnotes for those who are still using 1.8). The best Ruby book I've read so far. About. By continuing, you're agreeing to use of cookies. The examples are useful and illustrate his points well without cluttering up the text. Probably suits best for "intermediate" Ruby developers wanting to learn bits about implementing DSLs, metaprogramming, enumerators and just plain old object oriented Ruby. Thank you for subscribing. It also focused in introducing blocks, procs and other Ruby-related subjects. Buy a cheap copy of Eloquent Ruby book by Russ Olsen. And the (contrived, but of course) example seemed like it might be too broad and vague to hang your hat on. Eloquent Ruby is a book published by Addison … eloquent ruby source code. —Ethan Roberts. I'm an experienced programmer and this is my first book learning Ruby. I think by reading this book I got a different perspective about my Ruby on Rails application. This book will no doubt help you better understand not only the “how” but also the “why” of this distinctive Ruby way. Sep 10, 2011 Augusto rated it really liked it. All the latest horse racing form, betting odds, news, breeding, jockey and trainer information for Eloquent Ruby. I enjoy a well-written tech book that dive deep into subjects. Eh, all you need is for and if-else for writing in a typical legacy crud application. If any of my friends asked me if "Eloquent Ruby" was a good way to start their journey with Ruby, I'd rather say "no". For me, this is the golden standard of how books about programming should be written. eloquent ruby by russ olsen feb 11 2011 Dec 08, 2020 Posted By Mary Higgins Clark Public Library TEXT ID f394e70c Online PDF Ebook Epub Library 2011 as without difficulty as review them wherever you are now lets its easy to write correct ruby code but to gain the fluency needed to write great ruby code you must go To start with, it wasn’t much of a reference. Eloquent Ruby takes a ride through 30 topics about Ruby, from how the Ruby community idents code to Metaprogramming and how to publish a Gem to RubyGems. Ruby Way is a Ruby book that is applicable for all categories of readers. It was published by Addison-Wesley Professional and has a total of 448 pages in the book. In 2007 Russ Olsen published Design Patterns in Ruby (US | UK | CA). Moreover, this book has given me more confidence for reading out the source code of various gems and libraries. This book is a great introduction to the most foundational and cornerstone aspects of Ruby in the form of 30 chapters each dedicated to its own topic covering practically all the topics that a rubyist should know in the first steps of his career. He authored Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers (Wrox, 2009) and Technical Blogging (The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2012, 2019). We’d love your help. Amazing book about the Ruby language. In your ruby books posts, you had mentioned ruby best practices as a “lays out a clear road map to Ruby mastery for those who wish to pursue it.” Could you please tell, where does eloquent ruby stands? If you're new to Ruby (like I am) I can only recommend reading this book, it's worth the time!!! Advertising/Marketing . By focusing on practical examples, these chapters cover everything from basic style considerations to object oriented design, and delve into such topics as testing, metaprogramming, DSL, packaging and deploying gems, different Ruby implementations available, and monkey patching considerations. It was more akin to a cookbook of recipes that related to the idiomatic use of Ruby patterns. Start your review of Eloquent Ruby. Eloquent Ruby (Book Review) Recently, I’ve read Oslen Russ’s “Eloquent Ruby” and it was delightful read overall. It’s easy to write “correct” Ruby code. Chapter about regular expressions explained the stuff better than many regexp books do. First of all, this is not an all-in-one syntax handbook. I respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. This is a great book and even if you don't use Ruby it is a book well worth reading. I enjoyed Russ Olsen's writing style. We have recently updated our policy. This particular edition is in a Paperback format. Eloquent Ruby ebook reviews: Eloquent Ruby takes a ride through 30 topics about Ruby, from how the Ruby community idents code to Metaprogramming and how to publish a Gem to RubyGems. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. See more of Ruby Eloquent Online on Facebook. I'd say it's more of an intermediate level book (i.e. This book provides a good deep dive into Ruby but is outdated. The title of this book is Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series) and it was written by Russ Olsen. Ruby Eloquent Online. http://www.google.com/trends?q=ruby+on+rails&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0. Write a review. Of Eloquent Ruby of course. Beginner, Intermediate, Some experience? Even though the version of Ruby described in the book is 1.9 which is quite old by now, it signals the core. by Addison-Wesley Professional. Privacy and Cookies. Subscribe to my mailing list to receive similar updates about programming. Eloquent Ruby is pretty great. I will announce the winner tomorrow morning on my twitter account and in the comments below. It's easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write. Welcome back. It's written in an approachable way that explains some of the fascinating Ruby paradigms (blocks, modules, class / namespace resolution). or. February 11th 2011 This is a very good book on what is a rather difficult topic. It’s a great one. Simple Way to Read Online Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen Book or Download in PDF and Epub hi, my fellowship readers. I especially liked all the real world examples from well known frameworks and tools ranging from rake, rspec to rails and cucumber. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Reviews. Reading this book made me a better Ruby developer. It's easy to write correct Ruby code, but to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code, you must go beyond syntax and absorb the Ruby way of thinking and... Free Shipping on all orders over $10. Review: Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen. Page 328 is like just about every other page of my latest book, full of breathless prose and numerous coding examples. Survived 2 years as a ruby-dev without really reading this book. Ruby 1.9.2 has chosen Doug Sparling (@scriptrunner) as the winner of a copy of Eloquent Ruby. The current race record for Eloquent Ruby is 0 wins from 7 starts. In the three plus years that separate Olsen’s two books, we’ve witnessed the language and its community mature as we’ve moved away from Ruby 1.8, and we’ve seen plenty of new tools and idioms emerge. The ideal reader would be someone who has already read a book on Ruby and has used it for a while (e.g., a year). By concentrating on one thing, your methods are not only easier to write, they are also easier to understand. In Eloquent Ruby, <… Olsen's style is wonderful and keeps the content he is covering interesting. It’s divided into (4) units on Ruby foundations and the software process practices. Computer Programming. Reviews "R>Eloquent Ruby is like programming in Ruby itself: fun, surprisingly deep, and you'll find yourself wishing it … The questions are Ruby specific, but the problem is as old as the first programming language: There is a world of difference between knowing about a programming language and being able to use it the way it is meant to be used. The 31 short chapters in Eloquent Ruby are logically organized and easy to follow, but can be read independently from one another, too. Eloquent Ruby on the other hand primarily looks at the Ruby programming language. If you are new to programming this is probably not the best book for you, but if you have experience in some other language or "just" want to get more fluent in Ruby, "Eloquent Ruby" is hard to beat. "First, each method should do a single thing—focus on solving a single aspect of the problem. Refresh and try again. Russ Olsen does an amazing job making the subject interesting and digestible. The idea of "eloquence" is broad and opinionated and at first I thought the author was going to be covering very basic stuff that was easy to pick up. Eloquent Ruby (USA | UK | CA), Olsen’s newest book, doesn’t veer much from the same description. Please check your email to confirm your subscription. Log In. Create New Account. Mistaken identities, one-night stands, forbidden love, fake engagements—oh my! Every chapter is informative, short and full of great tips and guidelines. There is a certain “Ruby way” of approaching problems and elements of style that reveals if a developer is an experienced Ruby programmer or not. The perfect blend between Blacks "Wellgrounded Rubyist" and Perrottas "Metaprogramming Ruby". It gives a good insight about Ruby, how ceratain features of both Ruby and Rails (and many more live examples are mentioned as well) work. It covers almost everything about the language in a very concise way. According to Google Trends, it reached a peak at that time: http://www.google.com/trends?q=ruby+on+rails&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0. Antonio Cangiano is a Software Development Manager at IBM. Wherever you are in your Ruby experience from novice to Rails developer, this book is a must read.' The book has a considerable reputation among the community programmers. or. Instead they were greeted with a tone that was friendly and entertaining; you could read and absorb the whole thing in a matter of days. Start by marking “Eloquent Ruby” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Yet, if you’re a bright developer who’s coming from a different language, you may consider jumping right into it as your first Ruby book. Not Now. Eloquent Ruby tries to capture the essence of writing beautiful Ruby code in this modern idiomatic manner, by focusing on Ruby 1.9 (while providing footnotes for those who are still using 1.8). Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen is a book that covers many of Ruby’s subtleties from the basics like using strings, arrays and dynamic typing to more advanced topics like metaprogramming and monkey patching. Good book for novices, easy to read, but I'd say too elementary in the beginning. Try But it’s far harder to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code. To do that, you need to go beyond syntax and absorb the “Ruby way” of thinking and problem solving. In Eloquent Ruby, Russ Olsen helps you write Ruby like true Rubyists do-so you can leverage its immense, surprising power. This time the focus is not on specific design patterns, but rather on the style and essence of Ruby as a whole. Learn how your comment data is processed. Why is the book good? Thanks for this book! To learn Ruby you need to be aware that a new line usually starts a new statement, that a class definition starts with the word class, and that variable names start with a … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published A part of the renowned Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series, Eloquent Ruby will help you “put on your Ruby-colored glasses” and get results that make you a true believer. Right around that time there were several other Ruby books hitting the shelves (as Rails was really reaching the peak of its popularity), however Olsen’s book managed to distinguish itself as a highly valuable resource for readers who wanted to better understand how to apply design patterns to Ruby programming (in an organic rather than dogmatic manner.). The Bad parts. `` Ruby on the style and essence of Ruby interesting and digestible a Software Development at. Way ” of thinking and problem solving many regexp books do to read books online or it!, each method should do a single aspect of the topic at hand has a suggested retail price $! Ruby code, but rather on the style and essence of Ruby described in book! Rated it really liked the flow of the book Eloquent Ruby on application... Need is for and if-else for writing in a typical legacy crud application October 15 by Turffontein out of Ruby. In Eloquent Ruby ( US | UK | CA ) practice, from. 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